Saturday, January 30, 2010

Herbie the Robot

Here are some pictures of Herbie the mousebot.  This is my very first robot I have ever built.  My dad helped me order this kit from Solarbotics.  The best part about building this robot was learning to solder!
The robot is a light chasing robot with collision detection.

Herbie the Mouse Robot!

Notice the Whiskers on the front and Antenna on the back for collision detection.
Herbie has two IR detectors for seeking light sources.

Rear end view of the motors
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  1. Go Andrik Go
    Go Herbie Go
    Grandma is watching for further episodes
    Love ya,

  2. Awesome robot Andrik. It sure is fast. Yours is much faster that the one we built at work.

  3. Cool robot, Andrik! I'm looking forward to seeing more!
